Sunday, May 23, 2010

To work or not to work?

Pardon my use of English as I have no assess to Chinese now at home. Using my husband's Mac book. Anyway, till I get a new lappy for myself, I guess either I have to blog from work or I have to use English! Sigh. Will try to resolve this asap!

Ever since I was pregnant, I have thoughts of quitting my job and be a full time mother. Honestly, this is a suicidal decision. Why? Cos I am not a home maker person. I can't take care of kids and housework for nuts! I can cook, and I love to cook. But that's all! Therefore, the idea of staying home, taking care of baby and doing housework(minus cooking!) is enough to send me insane! But I thought I should be a good mother and take care of my child.

Anyway, to keep the long story short, I eventually can't do it. I mean, I love my son to bits, but to have to spend 24hrs with him is not helping any of us! I think I will do more harm than good. Therefore, we decided to engage a helper. But that being done, I am still unwilling to let her take care of him alone. So I roped in mother in law and my own mum. See, they are like supervisors, just helping me to monitor the helper. I guess this is the best I could have done for my boy.

So I started work last week. All because I needed to make a trip to Korea for work this week. Leaving sonny with hubby and helper for 1 week. Sigh! As a full time working mum, I guess this is inevitable. Hopefully they can cope well.

1 comment:

  1. 很多时候,身为女人的都必须在事业,家庭和自由上作取舍。既然决定了,就放心去做吧!
